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Construction accident leads to 2 injuries

On Behalf of | Oct 6, 2023 | Construction Workers Accidents

Being hit by heavy objects or equipment is a leading cause of death in the construction field. This can easily happen if a construction company in New Jersey skimps on its safety obligations and does not provide maintained equipment or training. According to recent reports, two construction field workers in another state suffered injuries after construction equipment struck them. 

How the construction accident happened 

The recent construction incident occurred at around 11:15 a.m. on a Tuesday. Authorities said two workers were installing granite curbing. All of a sudden, construction equipment reportedly crashed into them. 

Firefighters arrived on the scene to find the injured workers. First responders treated the workers at the accident scene and took them to the hospital by ambulance. The federal government’s occupational safety and health agency received notification of the injuries. 

How an attorney may help following a work accident 

A construction worker in New Jersey who is injured at work should ideally consult a workers’ compensation attorney as soon as possible, as even a seemingly minor injury may become more serious. The attorney can help the worker file a workers’ compensation claim for monetary benefits to cover related medical expenses and the loss of wages due to having to recover from his or her work injury. Workers’ compensation benefits may also help cover accident-related ongoing health care costs, including physical therapy expenses. The attorney will push for his or her client to receive all of the benefits to which he or she is entitled given the circumstances surrounding the workplace accident. 

